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Revision as of 12:15, 3 June 2011 by Mitchie151 (talk | contribs)
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Spleef is a game played over a large pit that either drop to a relative safty, or in death spleaf bedrock and/or lava. The aim of the game is to dig up the thin layer of dirt below the opponent sending him falling to the bottom of the pit, and just because everyone is so deppresingly sadisticaly evil, ussaly their dooms. The game is often played with a 'Diamond Shovel' to speed up the game since its often hard to take sombody by surprise if you take an hour to dig up the ground beneath them.


The rules of spleef are as followed-

  • You may not jump randomly to avoid being caught unaware.
  • An exeption to the rule above, you may vault large cracks in the arena floor.
  • All players must make lame war cries and mock other players for no apparent reason.
  • At no point in the game may you place blocks, unless it is required in order do cross a large, impassable gap.


Please add any extra notes to this page to fill in the information and don't be afraid to edit any spelling. :D