AboutInfo about the Four towers and what not goes here as well as allies. HistoryHezloth was first founded in 2.0 by Sharingan616. It was a very large realm with very many inhabitants living in it during the peak of it's power. It also had a small religion, the guardian. A protector of the inhabitants. It was in one war which it won. It was located next to the realm The Wolves Den. It also created the Four Towers, four very tall towers in Hezloths bay. When the map was wiped, the inhabitants traveled very far north to the northern border of the map. The citizens lived in a little camp until the first Hezloth 3.0 realm. It then created living spaces and a large watch tower. It since was joined the North Owners Coalition and has stayed a small village right on the border. MembersLeadersSharingan616 CitizensMastertegm |