
Player status:
Donor/Wiki admin
Added as Status:
Fictional Biography
Born on pluto in the year 697BM (before Minerealm) mitchie151 was an unusual child. Unlike most people on pluto, he was not cold or frozen. He was a warm person, and only one warm person was born each 1000 years on pluto (and as we all know, a Pluto year is very long) and was therefor bannished along with his rather violent friend Pixie1001. Flying his 'borrowed' hyperbolical space ship the 'Heart of Ice', the only one of its kind equipt with a SEP or somebody elses problem generator he flew to the craftlands where he settled in the coldest land possible. Even he could not stand the beautiful weather of the planet. However, deep in the arctic square of the planet he was assulted by an unknown force only known as 'The Lag'. With his friend Pixie1001 they travelled for many months, across the frozen planes of invio glacialis before finding an 'eddie in the space time continuum' which warped them into the land currently known as MineRealm. However, 'The Lag' followed them through the portal eventually icing over the world untill Intelli used the power of custom plugins to push the lag out of the world and trap it beyond the border, but trapping pixie and mitchie from their home. Together they built the frozen citadel today known as 'Snowvale'. Today, Mitchie travells dimensions using the fabled IP portal system. On the alternate univers 'Classic' he has ammased an arsenal with the help of 'TalonTech' capable of avenging his bannishment. With many an interplanetary death ray, he plans his revenge upon pluto, wether that be in this universe or the other. He also likes tormenting the people of spawn with his Quasar nuke technology.
Additional Info:
mitchie151 is a long time player of the MineRealm server. He joined in the first ever map, also known as classic 1.0.He is the leader of Snowvale on survival, but he is by no means proud of it. However, he likes the atmosphere that building without restrictions adds to the gameplay.
Notable Facts
- He is the current owner of 'Neutron city' on classic which he claims is currently a plan for a much larger, more beutiful, city.
- He built the first Spleef arena at spawn on minerealm 1.0
- He loves airships, circles and spaceships
- His favourite colour is orange
- He single handidly built the Australian flag at spawn on minerealm creative 3.0
- He was the first Player to begin construction of the Spawn airship which was tragically torn down only days after beginning construction.
- Good friends with Pixie1001
- He peforms ALOT of editing on the minerealm wiki