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Revision as of 21:12, 9 June 2022 by Zepheron (talk | contribs)
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Ferrum is a city established in Summer 2020, but which was mainly built from Autumn 2021 onwards.



Founder = Zepheron
Contributors = Immatic, Aldrik, Rupert, lokismite
Category = Cities
Founding date = 30th September 2020
X coord = 3580
Y coord = 64
Z coord = -250


Ferrum was founded by Zepheron with the objective of making a vast city in the spirit of early Minecraft. He has built the majority of the builds at Ferrum, with the help of immatic, lokismite, and others. An early goal was to build a gold farm to satisfy the members' XP needs. The long coastal wall was a project mainly undertaken by Aldrik, which defined the early boundaries of the city. After this, monuments such as the glowing sword and the main castle sprung up over the following months. The members would become less active in early 2022, not out of boredom but circumstance. In mid-2022, Ferrum became home to a full diamond beacon.
