
From MineRealm Wiki
Revision as of 10:58, 26 August 2011 by Mitchie151 (talk | contribs)
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Foxtopia is a realm that is traditionally in the deep south of the map, right next to the ocean(s) and using a centralized mountain as the base of the city. Foxington is the capitol of the province, and usually appears on every map in some form or another.

Foxtopia currently houses the three commerce centers at spawn. The first one is the bank center, located West of spawn, straight forward out of the falls. You can see awesome things like the bank, as well as the pawn shop, and goods store. To the North of spawn, heading right as you leave the waterfall, you can find the Embassy, and Foxstroms, the department store. Basic facts and figures of the realm will soon be found there, as well as various offices for the realm heads. You can also enjoy a department store setting as you shop, if the owners are online to serve your needs.

In the capitol city, Foxington, developments on the main castle are ongoing as Terrance Jones hollows out the great mountain that was discovered on founding day. Soon, many people will be able to host apartments or offices, as well as city centers, government offices, parks, and relaxation lounges. Also, there will be plenty of land to build houses as digging out the mountain yields realm credits.

As the neighboring region to the southeast is owned by a fellow realm player and nether sharer, We strive to not build in those directions, claiming the immediate plots that touch the mountain, and no further south, or east as the ocean.


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